Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Presentation on Oct 8

I got the most out of Chris's presentation as a whole. I think he did a great job of actually teaching the class something productive. Most have just read from powerpoint slides, but he gave us actual proof of what he talking about. I have always known that programs like P.A.U.L.A. existed but I had never seen one. The life like qualities of the program is scary. But I can see how it could be done. If a person in his spare time could do something like this; what could the goverment or another entity with bad intentions do? I think as a society we are on the eve of massive computer simulated life everywhere. By this I mean the robots in the movie I-Robot may actually exist in a few years. Its just a matter of time before the movies become reality!

1 comment:

Erin M. said...

I know - I loved the originality of the presentation! I also feel a little leery of PAULA, mostly because I don't trust something unless I can see its brain.

I hope an "I, Robot" scenario never occurs; that scares me... shiver.

Well done, nice work!